Lost Money with



OptionSellers.com’s “Catastrophic Loss Event” wiped out all investor funds. Now, investors owe money to Intl FC Stone for margin calls. If You Invested with OptionSellers.com, Contact Us Today

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Catastrophic Loss?

OptionSellers.com Investors

We’re seeking compensation on behalf of individual investors who lost money after investing with Option Sellers.

Our Victories

Representative Cases

Representative Cases

We represent investors in complex cases against brokers, funds, and major corporations nationwide.

We Fight for You

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We have helped thousands of investors across the country and around the world in cases arising out of investment fraud.

Why Choose Peiffer Wolf Carr Kane Conway & Wise?

We have helped thousands of investors, as well as municipalities and charities, that have suffered substantial losses due to questionable investment advice, misconduct, securities law violations, fraudulent investment practices, and bad products. We have experience litigating national and international cases, representing clients from around the world.


We are at the forefront of the OptionSellers.com investigation and will continue filing new cases in the following weeks. Additionally, we understand the complicated arbitration rules, as well as the nuances of the investment strategies deployed by the principals of OptionSellers.com. Additionally, we have a great deal of experience in representing a large number of investors in group cases against multiple defendants. We always focus on identifying the parties that are both liable and have the financial ability to compensate investors. Our goal is to put money back into our clients’ pockets, not just get an award that acknowledges our clients are entitled to compensation.

Invest with OptionSellers.com? We Fight for You.